Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day 6 - Shanshan Memoirs

During one of our random conversations Daryl & Cutie suggested we should at least have a pet! I was like, what like a fish maybe?  The idea of having a pet to take care, cuddle, feed, pick up poo, even barge into your own privacy is a big responsibility, and I don't know yet if I'm ready to become another pet owner. Sometimes I get too attached, which could be a good or a bad thing. 


Flashback 2000, we own a pet dog named Shan-shan. She is golden brown half chihuahua half AsPin. Evenso,we love her! Cutie (my younger sis and frustrated Vet) would make her drink milk,  bathe her, even brush her teeth! She was one spoiled aspin hehe. During daytime, Papsi would tie her since she gets too excited, and would ran out of the house, but then we let her play around with us during the evenings. We loved it when she would let us touch her belly with her dopey eyes almost in slumber on our small porch every evening. Sometimes Shan-shan would sulk when we can't play with her! She would not eat and would sit in one corner with this blank expression. We became too attached enough to make sense of her look and mere tail wagging when she is sad. 

I have countless memories of talking to Shan-shan; when I was mad, when I got some scolding after coming home late, when I feel sad and alone. I even talked to her about my crush! I don't know...maybe I was expecting Shan-shan to answer me back. I know Shan-shan will always be there to listen to me (if she is really listening). She just lay there looking back at me with her big brown and deep eyes. 

I missed our house pet very much because a year ago, she got really sick. We brought her to some local vet unfortunately she chose to rest completely. I was so heartbroken when I heard it from my younger sister, but maybe...she has given us enough of happy memories already! Shan-shan will always be our first love pet dog! 

Now looking back, I'm not sure if I want another pet dog.
But well, who could say NO to this fur thing? So adorable puppy.

Pet-owner soon.

itsmelory (^.^)

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