Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 1-Work, just like that

Today's a busy day but thankfully a quiet one. I spent the entire afternoon doing my manager's assignment (joke) and checking updates due for Mancom's discussion. Hey we, women knows how to do 2 things at once. Versatile as that. Beats me.

What work looks like

Such a breeze! The usual BBC news habit which I have subscribed since I'm 10 minutes early for work. It's a relief to read that Israel-Gaza have agreed a ceasefire yet again, but quite horrified that Iraq is at war now and the US sending air strikes, Robin Williams, the Robin Williams was confirmed a suicide, the Ebola virus spread. Everything in the news is just terrible. 
I'm grateful that we are here but at the same it's so horrible to realize that other part of the world is experiencing such ordeals. My day went on just like my other days would be. Monitoring my teams' IT, signing orders, signing requests, and oh I remembered our President dropped by my room asking about the presentation due on Friday. Okay, so is it time to panic?! I mapped out my priorities for the day: sending updates to our Japanese partner, finalizing proposal to another, too busy to notice that its past lunchtime-not until my boylet texted me. So I missed lunch (again) I hope I don't get stomach troubles for this! I love it when I'm busy and feeling productive like this. Keep it coming. 

but what's with the puffy eyes?! 

Please please brain, cooperate.

Work just like that,
itsmelory (^.^)

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